My Story

Teaching is in my Roots

Tailor-Made Teacher loves educators and wants to put you first so that you can be all you want to be for your students.

As the founder of Tailor-Made Teacher and a former educator myself, I am very passionate about our mission. Like many of you, my dream was to become a life-long teacher. Coming from a family of educators, this calling made sense. It was with that intention I entered into the profession with enthusiasm and hope.

After six years in the classroom, I found myself somewhat disillusioned, struggling to find my love of teaching. I felt pressured on all fronts to be everything to everyone. To build the relationships, create incredible resources, have stellar communication with parents, be tech-savvy, be engaging, and the list goes on. But, I regularly felt that because of all of these demands, it was so hard to do any of it well. As I reflected on those six years, I saw how my love for the profession had changed, because it had taken so much from me. My colleagues and I were continually asked to do more with less. This problem was not unique to a district or school, it was widespread and systemic.

Knowing I could not upend a whole system, I started trying to support my fellow teachers in small ways. Whether creating language reference cards for some teachers who had students arriving from other countries, creating data sheets for Guided Reading, or fun bookmarks for students to help them think while reading, my goal was simple: equip teachers with the resources they actually need, so they can be the teachers they’ve always wanted to be.

And so, Tailor-Made Teacher was born.

My Hope for You

You may often think, I would love teaching if I got to actually teach and didn’t spend all of my time finding resources to fit my needs or creating everything from scratch.

My hope is that you come to love teaching again once you give me the opportunity to do the “extra” work for you.

Through collaboration with you, I make custom resources that are tailor-made to fit your classroom’s needs. You tell me what you need and I make it for you. If you need it in 24 hours, there is an option for that. Need specific accommodations? Sure thing! Need it in Spanish? I can accommodate that. Need effective data sheets so you can show up to that IEP meeting prepared? I have you covered!

Today is your day- stop overworking, and let me help you. Go teach those students!