A little about me…

Hi, it’s so nice to finally meet you.

Here’s ten facts about me:

  • I taught 5th grade for six years at a Title 1 school in IL.

  • I love adventurous activities and anything on the water.

  • I am Bilingual in Spanish and once taught English in Costa Rica during a summer in college.

  • I am obsessed with cooking, shout out to Tieghan Gerard and Half-Baked Harvest.

  • I am a military spouse to an Army psychologist. We have a fun-loving one year old son.

  • In my free time, I love to create music on the piano. I currently sing at church.

  • I have always loved to learn and will never stop! Pursuing this has definitely been a huge learning experience.

  • I have a strong faith in Jesus. As poorly as I may do it at times, I feel my mission is see those who no one sees and see for those who cannot see.

  • I am an Enneagram One. IYKYK. I’ve been trying to “be good” and “do good” my whole life. Luckily my mom is a fun 7, so that helps. (:

  • Finally, I am the absolute biggest fan of teachers and all they do. Having been born into a family of teachers, been a teacher myself, and having many friends who are still working in the classroom, I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. If no one has told you yet, you definitely do have the hardest job. I’m thankful for you.

I’d love to hear about you! Be sure to get in touch.