When Everything Needs Your Attention, Where Do You even Start?

You’ve made it here and that’s a start.

By now the school year has started for many of you. The anticipation for what’s to come may be met with a certain amount of let-down, overwhelm, or disillusionment. For some, you may have hoped things would be different, only to find they aren’t. For others, you may have wanted to set better boundaries for work-life balance, but are struggling to find any margin. And still for some, you may be feeling hopeful and optimistic, but could use some help with the more draining tasks.

However you are feeling, you being here is a really brave start. It’s acknowledging your feelings of overwhelm and opening yourself up to receive support. I am so glad you are here.

Here at Tailor-Made Teacher, my mission is to support hard-working, passionate, stretched-thin teachers by creating beautiful, impactful resources that allow them to have more time for the things they love. I want to alleviate some of the burdens you feel so you can be the teacher you’ve always aspired to be.

So, now that you’ve made it here, you may wonder where to even start. If you are already coming here with so much overwhelm, you may not even know what to ask for or what you need. All you know is that it feels heavy and is all too much.

Something unique about the customization process at Tailor-Made Teacher is that once it is in my hands, it is completely off of your plate. You can trust that as a former educator, I value your time and energy and know you are so often pulled in a million directions without the proper support to do it all. Give me the opportunity to help you, so you can have margin for other things you love.

For me to best help you, complete our quick Free Consultation. It will only take about 2-3 minutes and is a simple form. I will respond to your Consultation within 24 hours with a personalized (not automated!) email response, offering a few solutions for you. Thank you for all of the work you do. I am on your side and ready to help.

-Erin, Founder of Tailor-Made Teacher and your biggest supporter


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