Tailor-made Teacher

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Celebrating the Courage to Try

Hey, it's me.

I know it's been awhile. I wanted to take a step back and spend some time in reflection during the holidays. Plus, I'm someone who works best when inspired, so I wanted to create space for that. I hope you all were able to rest and recharge this break!

On a personal note, over the holidays many people asked me how things were going with the business. Coming up with an honest answer to that question proved difficult because I realized "success" or even our perception of how things are going can be so nuanced.

One thing I can say is starting this endeavor has been one of the HARDEST things I have ever done. I don't consider myself a very courageous person and am definitely not a risk-taker by nature, so putting myself, my ideas, and my creations out into the world has been so difficult.

But, it has been one of the most exhilerating and satisfying things as well. Why? Because I've always done what's predictable and expected.

Now I'm going after something where there is no guarantee.

No guarantee of success.

No guarantee of impact.

No guarantee of fulfillment.

And I think it's through going after those hard, risk-filled pursuits that we gain more than we could ever imagine. It reshapes our definition of success, impact, and fulfillment. We change, we grow, and we evolve. We learn to be proud of ourselves.

This type of success might look like having courage when you otherwise would have given up.

It may look like developing an inner confidence that doesn't come from outside sources.

It may look like choosing to be content and find joy no matter what you choose to do with your time and talents.

It may look like choosing to do something imperfectly (because of limited time, resources, knowledge), rather than doing nothing at all.

It may look like letting go of control of what your life should look like at any certain point and being present with whatever is in front of you.

So, the question I am asking myself and encourage you to ask yourself today is...

1. In what areas do you need to be courageous? How could doing those hard things even when afraid change you and your previously held definitions of success?

2. How will you celebrate when you do choose to act courageously in the midst of whatever you're currently afraid of. (We all need to be celebrating those little victories!)

3. What areas of your life would change if you chose to do something imperfectly rather than doing nothing at all?

Blessings to all of you as we step into a new year and the second half of the school year!
